There are students out there who want more math in their lives. How can we not be giving it to them?
Please join our many supporters in making advanced, engaging, world-class mathematics education available to more students. With your help, more students can discover and deepen their passion for math, and later pursue work in mathematics and science careers.
If you would like to support a specific one of the Initiative's programs, please indicate your preference with your donation.
Donate Online
Donate online securely through PayPal -- either with a PayPal account or by credit card (no PayPal account required):
Your donation is 100% tax-deductible and you will receive a receipt for your tax records when you donate. The Art of Problem Solving Initiative is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit educational organization.
The Art of Problem Solving Initiative, Inc. has earned Guidestar’s Gold Seal of Transparency for 2018.
Donate by Mail
Please write a check payable to "Art of Problem Solving Initiative, Inc." and mail to:
The Art of Problem Solving Initiative, Inc.
55 Exchange Place
Suite 603
New York, NY 10005
Thank you for your support!